School leaders:

Want To Make A Truly Whole-School Impact With SEMH in your school?
Get everything you need to kick-start lasting change with Behaviour 360.

Seeing more and more pupils with SEMH needs in your school?

You're not on your own. School intakes are changing rapidly with record numbers of pupils arriving at our gates with complex SEND needs.

In fact, data from the Department for Education, shows that SEND needs aren't just growing... but that growth is accelerating.

Graph showing increasing SEND needs in schools

You can see this for yourself, in your school, with:

  • More pupils with SEMH needs than ever before
  • Increasing demand for EHCPs and specialist funding
  • An explosion of pupils needing 1:1 support (which doesn't scale in terms of budgets)
  • School support services overwhelmed, meaning quality training and support is harder than ever to access
  • More students with anxiety, more pupils waiting for a diagnosis, more children self-harming, and widespread problems with attendance and school avoidance.

The impact?

Schools are now seeing:

Increasing numbers of SEMH incidents...
leading to disrupted classrooms, escalated and dysregulated pupils, staff stress and frequent calls to parents.

Teacher burnout and staff turnover...
with teachers feeling out of their depth, frustrated, and ill-equipped to support their pupils with complex SEMH needs.

Declining academic outcomes...
due to unsettled learning environments where pupils can't focus, make progress or achieve their potential.

Complaints from parents...
that pupils with SEND needs aren't given the support they need, with issues being managed inconsistently or reactively.

But it doesn't stop there.

Because these factors directly impact on your ability to lead in school:

  • Time is drained from important strategic work to firefight incidents and support teaching staff.
  • A constant flow of staff coming to you for immediate strategies (and support) with their high-needs SEMH pupils adds to your pressure and workload.
  • OFSTED, executive leaders and governors all monitoring closely to see 'inclusion done well' in your school - and it's hard to demonstrate a whole-school approach that's working.

Doing nothing comes with a price tag.

Here are just some of the financial costs:

Stressed teacher

Rising teacher absence and supply cover expenses

When staff are overwhelmed by the demands of managing SEMH pupils, staff absences increase, forcing you to rely on costly supply teachers. Over time, these expenses pile up, eating into funds that could be invested in permanent, long-term solutions to the problem.

Cost: Every day a teacher is sick can cost £200 or more in supply cover.

High staff turnover concept

High staff turnover and recruitment costs

Burnt-out teachers and support staff are also more likely to leave, leading to recruitment costs piling up, year after year. Each new hire demands time and money for onboarding and training (not to mention the disruption to the continuity of your students' learning).

Cost: Recruitment and induction can cost £3000 per staff member, let alone the lost time involved in sifting CVs, interviewing and onboarding new staff.

Empty classroom

Standards fall, your reputation suffers and students leave

If SEMH challenges aren't addressed, declining academic results quickly follow, leading inevitably to falling pupil numbers. Fewer students means lower funding, creating a vicious cycle of ever-more limited resources and growing challenges.

Cost: Every pupil who leaves your school takes at least £7460 worth of funding with them.

In short? Ignoring growing SEMH needs and challenges in your school simply isn't a viable option.

Why schools get stuck:

To meet changes in SEMH demand, most schools resort to:

  • The leadership team researching solutions for teachers... meaning time that should be invested in whole-school priorities is lost to research, "Googling it", internal discussions and reinventing the wheel.
  • Sending single members of staff on training sessions and using the "trickle down" approach to share what they learned... but because schools are busier than ever, it's difficult to give your teacher the time they need to share that knowledge well.
  • Paying external agencies for one-off training sessions in school. This is expensive, rarely timely, and if a member of staff couldn't attend, they missed out - and now your team has skills gaps.
  • Trying to ride out the issue... resulting in leaders being stuck in an endless cycle of short-term firefighting and crisis meetings. Plus, riding out the issue doesn't make sense when SEMH needs are projected to increase (not decrease) in schools.

In the past, these approaches may have been enough, but larger numbers of children with complex needs have changed the game.

Here's the problem:

None of these approaches give you a joined-up approach to SEMH.

Meaning the solution is this 👇

You need a consistent, whole-school stategy that gets your teaching staff, your leadership team, your parents and your lunchtime supervisors on the same page with SEMH and behaviour.

Without it, you get dragged down into endless reactive cycles, instead of making the sustainable progress with SEMH your school deserves.

⚠️ This leaves you with 2 choices:

1. You can spend weeks and months researching and addressing training needs, pulling information and strategies together, reinventing the wheel, or...

2. You can get instant-access to a done-for-you solution so you save time and money AND hit the ground running today.


Behaviour 360

Behaviour 360 gives you instant access to flexible, on-demand training...

...that equips your teachers, TAs, school leaders, lunchtime supervisors AND parents... feel calm, capable, and confident in supporting pupils with SEMH needs...

...and get them all pulling in the same direction with SEMH in your school!

Components of Behaviour 360

Behaviour 360 is different because...

  • The different pieces of Behaviour 360 fit together perfectly, giving you a consistent, positive SEMH training system for all your teaching staff, lunchtime supervisors and parents at a single stroke.
  • You get instant access to SEMH training, whenever you need it. Because Behaviour 360 is delivered online, there's no waiting around - get the support you need, when you and your stakeholders need it.
  • Affordable support, in reach of every school. Everything's delivered online, instead of face-to-face, so we save on costs - and we pass those savings on to you. That frees up the rest of your budget up for other priorities.

What you get

Teacher working in a reception class

The Strategy Hub for Schools

The Strategy Hub is like your school's go-to "instruction manual" for supporting your students with their social, emotional, and mental health needs in the classroom.

With over 250 step-by-step videos, it's packed with strategies and insights your staff can start using immediately to help pupils feel calmer, happier, and more engaged in their learning.

The Strategy Hub covers topics like anxiety, Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), trauma-informed practice, Emotionally-Based School Avoidance (EBSA) and more.

No more waiting for external agencies or delays in getting support. The Strategy Hub feels like having an SEMH expert to refer to in your school 24/7, ready and waiting, whenever your staff need them.

"The Strategy Hub's high-quality training has left a lasting impression on us."

The implementation of Strategy Hub during our school's INSET days has proven to be transformative. Through the strategic division of training videos, our staff has experienced a notable enhancement in their understanding of our students' needs. Consequently, they have been able to effectively manage and support our pupils, making a substantial difference in their learning experiences. The abundance of resources provided, particularly the high-quality videos and webinars, has left a lasting impression on us.

Educ8 logo


C. Raducanescu

Virtual twilights

Virtual twilights give you the ability to host a whole-staff training session whenever you need to, without the expense or hassle of booking external presenters.

With virtual twilights, you gather your staff, just as you would for a live training session with a in-person presenter, but the training is delivered through pre-recorded videos. Each video introduces a topic, and then your staff work together in groups to complete tasks, share ideas, and discuss solutions.

And because these sessions are delivered online, you can use these resources to train staff who couldn't attend the joint session, or as part of your staff induction to get new members of the team up to speed.

All your virtual twilights are structured, collaborative, and easy to run... and a great way of building knowledge and whole-school consistency around specific areas of SEMH in your school.

Teachers working on activity from whiteboard during INSET day

"Our staff preferred it to having a guest speaker in."

The ADHD Mastery virtual twilight was really useful as it gave strategies rather than just the science behind the disorder which is what other training usually focuses on. It engaged our staff very well and they are a tough audience in all honesty! They said that they much preferred it to having a guest speaker in.

Kingsland Primary School

Tablet computer showing Successful Supervisors

Successful Supervisors

Imagine a behaviour expert dropped into your school to guide your lunchtime supervisors through just one, simple positive behaviour strategy for 10 minutes, and then encouraged them to go out and use it with your pupils.

And then continued to visit your supervisors every three weeks for the next 2 years, giving them a steady flow of reminders and new strategies, building up their skills and confidence. So you see a sustainable, long-term impact in your dining room and playground.

Successful Supervisors is the on-demand, always-available version of that bite-sized, step-by-step approach, and it's about to transform your lunchtime supervisors... into lunchtime behaviour superheroes!

Turning your lunchtimes into a structured, positive part of the school day, benefiting your pupils, supervisors and teaching staff alike.

"This has been transformative in our school."

I just want to say thank you. This has been transformative in our school. Our midday supervisors are so much more positive and the whole team absolutely love it. It's worked for everybody and it's so simple. We love the drip feed of it.

Manor Junior School

Family Support

Behaviour 360 makes supporting your parents whose children have social and emotional needs feel like pressing the “easy” button.

At its heart is Family First, a 12-week programme that acts as a personal guide for parents, providing practical strategies to support their child's emotional wellbeing - available anytime, anywhere, through on-demand videos.

Whether you choose to bring parents together for group sessions or let them watch at home on their own schedule, Family First offers complete flexibility to fit your school's needs.

A parent at home using Family First on a tablet computer

But it doesn't stop there.

Because you'll also receive everything you need to run face-to-face, in-school group sessions for parents, with programmes tailored to specific SEND needs including anxiety, ADHD, and autism.

All our family programmes are easy to follow, ensuring parents never feel overwhelmed. Every session is designed to make family life smoother, strengthen home-school relationships, and deliver lasting success for your pupils and their families.

"Family First has changed how I deal with my son."

Just watched Video 5 on The Power Of Limited Choices. It's great to see these strategies building - I love the extra little tips in the emails too. They've really changed how I deal with [my son]. It feels like we're building a little toolbox of strategies to pick out when we come up against a situation!

A family first parent

A laptop in a senior school leaders office showing behaviour policy training

Leadership support

Picture having a roadmap that makes leadership decisions on behaviour and SEMH easier - and equips you with the tools to create real, lasting change in your school.

Our leadership support resources will help you create a more positive learning environment in school, empower your staff to handle difficult situations, and ensure your school is proactive (rather than reactive) with SEMH.

Meaning you'll finally feel confident leading your team through today's challenging behaviour and SEMH issues.

The result? You'll make a whole-school impact, save time, reduce stress, and foster a culture of continuous improvement across the whole school.

"Behaviour 360 impacts every member of staff."

Because of the fact it's available the whole year, it has an impact on every single member of staff that you want it to... as well as the work you can do with your parents, your lunchtime supervisors. So it's that whole school approach, it's incredibly good value for money.

Woodgate Primary

Debbie Colley (head)

The outcome?

You'll have everything you need to...

  • Equip your staff, supervisors and parents with a unified approach to SEMH and behaviour.
  • Create calm, purposeful and well-managed classrooms, where every part of the school day is geared towards pupil success.
  • Escape the endless cycle of short-term firefighting that burns out teaching staff and leaders.
  • See a positive impact on home-school relationships, elevating your school's standing and reputation.
  • Gain more time to focus on other school improvement and strategic priorities.
  • Feel confident you've implemented a joined-up, evidence-based approach to SEMH in your school that would impress outside agencies and inspectors alike.
  • Be able to focus your budget on teaching and learning - rather than recruitment and supply agency costs.

But most of all, you'll feel proud of championing an inclusive learning environment, where every child (and adult!) feels safe, supported and can thrive.

School Behaviour Secrets logo

Who's behind Behaviour 360?

Behaviour 360 was written and developed by Simon Currigan and Emma Shackleton, hosts of the School Behaviour Secrets podcast.

School Behaviour Secrets is the award-winning, top-40 UK Education podcast, which received a quarter of a million downloads last year alone.

So you can trust the information in this training will be high-quality, evidence-based... and will make a real difference in your school.

Case study

Curious if Behaviour 360 can make a real difference in your school?

Discover how Debbie Colley, head of Woodgate Primary, used Behaviour 360 to turn her leadership team's vision for SEMH and behaviour into reality.

This unvarnished, in-depth case study dives into the school's specific challenges, and shows how Behaviour 360 helped her team build an inclusive, supportive and positive learning environment.

"Behaviour 360 is worth every penny."

Behaviour 360 is worth every penny. It gives you the power to find the strategies and ideas you need, and having those resources at hand means you don't have to wait. And inevitably, it always has a positive impact.

Raddlebarn Primary

Lisa Naughton

What school leaders say about Behaviour 360

Click below to hear what other leaders - in schools just like yours - say about the impact Behaviour 360 has had for their pupils, families and staff.

Ready to join?

Let's make that easy for you...

Pricing based on school size

Our fair pricing policy makes Behaviour 360 an affordable investment for all schools, big or small - meaning every team can access the support it needs to improve SEMH.

No long-term commitment

Like Netflix, you'll be in complete control. Stop and start your annual subscription at any time - it's simple!

30-day Money Back Guarantee

Buy with confidence, because if you find Behaviour 360 isn't a good fit for your school, tell us within 30 days, and we'll cancel your invoice - no questions asked!


We care about fair pricing and equality of access, so how much you pay depends on the size of your school.

So a yearly subscription to Behaviour 360 starts from just £0.73 per pupil.

Stressed teacher

Small schools (including special schools)

Up to 250 pupils

£799 ex-VAT

Stressed teacher

Medium schools

Up to 550 pupils

£1,099 ex-VAT

Stressed teacher

Large schools

Up to 2000 pupils

£1,450 ex-VAT

To compare that £0.73 to your school's funding:

Every primary school receives £7,460 in per pupil funding1 - £0.73 is just a tiny fraction (0.01%) of this budget.

That's a small price to pay for lasting improvements in behaviour and wellbeing, benefiting both students and staff.

Each primary aged child who qualifies, receives £1,455 in Pupil Premium funding2, which increases to £2,530 for LAC pupils.

Your £0.73 investment Behaviour 360 is a powerful and cost-effective way of making your Pupil Premium funding work harder for the students who need it most.

But more than that - at £0.73 per pupil, Behaviour 360 can help stop you losing money to the costs of unmet SEMH needs:

The average primary school spends £180 per pupil, per year on supply cover3... that's £75,600 for a two-form entry primary school 😮

If your investment in Behaviour 360 reduces teacher stress (improving staff attendance) and saves you just three days of supply cover, it's already paid for itself.

Beyond that, it's actively saving you money, which you can reinvest in your pupils... instead of giving it away to supply agencies.

When teachers leave or reduce hours due to burnout, recruiting new staff members can cost £3,000+ per person4, not to mention time lost reviewing CVs and interviewing.

If Behaviour 360 improves staff wellbeing and reduces turnover by even a small amount, you're saving time and money on recruitment.

That's releasing even more money you can reinvest in your pupils.

1 Per pupil funding numbers quoted from the 2024 DfE publication School funding: Everything you need to know.

2 Pupil Premium funding numbers quoted from the DfE's 2024 Pupil Premium Overview.

3 Supply costs taken from the DfE's 2022-23 own report on local authority and school expenditure.

4 Recruitment costs take from this TES report from 2018. This figure includes costs like advertising, the manpower cost of recruiting, and costs related to induction for new members of staff. These will only have increased since this report was written.

"Behaviour 360 is cruicial to our staff training and induction"

Behaviour 360 plays a crucial role in our induction process, staff CPD, whole school training and ongoing staff support. The on-demand training is not only simple and accessible but also packed with the latest evidence-based knowledge. It aligns perfectly with our school's ethos, behaviour & safety policies, and therapeutic approaches, fostering students' personal development and overall well-being. Simon and his team have been fantastic - highly professional and supportive over the years.

Raise Education & Wellbeing School

Jason Steele

Click below to join Behaviour 360...

and give your staff, lunchtime supervisors, fellow leaders AND parents the support they need to transform SEMH in your school!

Prices start from just £0.73 per pupil!

Working in a very small mainstream school with less than 100 pupils? Book a meeting and we'll arrange a bespoke quote for you.

Got any questions?

Use the button below to book a friendly chat with our team to see how Behaviour 360 can support your school.

Tell us about your school's unique needs, and we'll give you a tailored tour of Behaviour 360, helping you see exactly how it can help you reach your SEMH goals.

Online consultation

Join the growing family of schools using Behaviour 360 today.

  • Create lasting, positive change across your school for SEMH.
  • Make your teachers, supervisors and parents feel supported and confident.
  • Overcome SEMH obstacles and watch your students learn and meet their potential in the classroom.
  • Drive whole-school improvement.

What People Are Saying About Beacon School Support

Frequently asked questions

Behaviour 360 has a wealth of support materials to support early years, primary and secondary schools.

Once you've registered, you can access your videos through the members area of our website. We'll email you your login details immediately after you register.

No, we have teachers from around the world using Behaviour 360 every day.

No. Behaviour 360 is more like a flexible library of training materials on a range of SEMH topics. (However, Successful Supervisors and Family First can be used as step-by-step training programmes, if that's how you choose to implement them.)

Yes - and each course includes specific references to the research that supports it.

No, we don't dictate a one-size-fits-all method. We believe every school's approach to behaviour should reflect its unique context, values, staff, pupils and history. Whether you lean toward trauma-informed or traditional methods, Behaviour 360 offers resources to help you explore the pros, cons, and outcomes of each approach, and provides strategies for embedding your chosen method successfully into the school.

We provide written trackers, reflective practice logs and certificates to get everyone on board and keep them engaged. We've found the reflective practice logs in particular have been effective in helping staff translate what they've seen in the videos into classroom practice.

Behaviour 360 contains training on a wealth of SEMH, classroom management and behaviour topics. If you want to be sure before you buy, book a friendly, no-obligation chat with one of our staff. You can tell them more about your school's needs and goals on a Zoom call, and we'll help you see whether Behaviour 360 is a good fit for you.

Yes. Behaviour 360 is all about best practice for SEMH, aligns with Ofsted's requirements and can help you meet inspection standards, support your school's overall performance and help you implement a systematic positive approach to supporting your pupils.

SEMH challenges are likely already costing your school £1000s in teacher absences, burnout, and staff turnover. Think of Behaviour 360 as a way to redirect funds away from reactive spending, like supply cover, towards proactive solutions that address the causes of SEMH issues. By investing in this programme, you'll also use your Pupil Premium budget more effectively to drive long-term improvements and support those pupils who need it the most.

The truth is, positive change always involves an up-front investment in time. But by investing some time today, and helping your pupils become calmer and more regulated, you're buying your future self more time to focus on other important school priorities.

You get a 30-day money back guarantee if you decide Behaviour 360 isn't right for your school, for any reason. This gives you lots of security and plenty of chance to try out the product, so after this period, we do not offer refunds.

No, you can cancel your subscription at any time before renewal by getting in touch with us. We'll also send you an email reminder one month before your subscription is due for renewal, so it doesn't roll over without you noticing. We want you to remain in complete control of your subscription.

Of course. If you get stuck or need any help, you can contact our friendly support team who respond to the vast majority of queries within one working day (you can get in touch with them here).

No, but we do offer you the chance to take a guided tour of Behaviour 360 with one of our team. Book your online meeting using this link.