With challenging parental behaviour on the rise...

Your teaching staff can feel pushed to breaking point

Your staff are hard-working professionals who shouldn't have to tolerate abuse in the workplace.

But schools are seeing more behaviours like:

  • Shouting and swearing at teachers at the classroom door
  • Threats and intimidation
  • Spreading malicious gossip (especially on social media)
  • Even physical attacks

These all actively damage the emotional well-being and confidence of your staff.

And it's becoming more common. More predictable. More routine, even.

That isn't fair - and it's not right.

But it's worse than that

Incidents are widespread and the impact is deeper than you think

Academics from Bath Spa University questioned nearly 10,000 teachers and TAs.

They found that more than a quarter were experiencing abuse and negative behaviour from parents, face-to-face...

...every single month.

Put anyone under that kind of pressure for long enough - and they crack.

That's bad for them. Bad for their class. Bad for the whole school.

First off - here's the bad news:

You're probably not going to change the behaviour of your parents

The truth is: their behaviour is beyond your control.

The abusive behaviour we're seeing at the chalkface is down to a big-picture shift in the way parents see the teaching profession. This is a government-level, social policy problem.

As a senior leader in a school, it's beyond your power to do much about that.

But that doesn't mean we're powerless. Doing nothing isn't an option.

Want the good news?

There are positive steps you can take today that will make a real difference

And let's be clear... we're talking about a small minority of parents. Most are perfectly reasonable and on your side.

But: how teachers manage this challenging minority is critical, because those parents have an excessive impact.

And while you can't always prevent difficult incidents from happening, you can prepare your staff for when they do.

Train them to use the right method and they'll:

  • feel more confident
  • experience less stress
  • feel calm and in control

And as a senior leader, you'll also know you've assessed the risk and taken early action. You didn't wait until it was too late. You were proactive, not reactive.

So, the obvious question is... what is the best way of managing challenging, confrontational or angry parents?

Introducing... How To Manage Challenging Parents!

My approach to managing challenging parents is based on years of experience working in Pupil Referral Units and is backed by science.

I'm going to show your staff the best way of dealing with these difficult situations - and how to avoid doing and saying the wrong thing (so they don't make situations worse than they need to be).

Your staff are about to learn:

My 3-step 'Firebreak Formula'...

...so they resolve incidents safely and effectively

Valuable phrases and scripts...

...so they know what to say to de-escalate heated confrontations

Ways of pre-empting problems...

...so incidents don't happen in the first place

Also: How To Manage Challenging Parents will give you a return on your investment year after year after year (I'll show you how in a moment...)

About Your Instructor

Emma Shackleton is the co-founder of Beacon School Support.

Emma has over 13 years experience at supporting children and families where behaviour and strong emotions are common problems.

She's also successfully worked with teachers, children and parents in both mainstream schools and Pupil Referral Units.

This mix of real-world experience, and her understanding of underlying emotional issues, makes her the perfect tutor for this programme.

Instructor photograph

Feel confident your staff know best practice for de-escalating difficult situations with parents safely and successfully

What is "How To Manage Challenging Parents"...

And how does it work?

How To Manage Challenging Parents is online training for your teaching staff. It works like traditional face-to-face training, but it's delivered online.

Running the training is a simple, 3-step process:

  1. Bring your staff together in a room with a projector and sound facilities (like face-to-face training, everyone watches How To Manage Challenging Parents together)
  2. Open the training video on our website
  3. Press play

From time to time, you'll be asked to collect ideas from your staff and write them on flipchart paper.

It's easy.

Whole school training
Good value icon

And here's the best bit!

You'll see a return on your investment, year after year

You'll get lifetime access to your How To Manage Challenging Parents training.

That means you can revisit the content again, and again, and again...

  • New person joined your staff? No problem. Make watching How To Manage Challenging Parents part of their induction programme and wave goodbye to ‘skills gaps' in your team
  • Staff need reminders of the strategies? No problem. Revisiting content is as easy as hitting the rewind button

With How To Manage Challenging Parents, you're about to make a long-term impact on your staff's expertise that's simply impossible to achieve with face-to-face training.

In fact, it's going to provide value for years to come.

Here's what you get:

Training to fit your school and budget

How To Manage Challenging Parents has been specifically written to:

  • give your staff practical strategies to deal with challenging parental behaviour
  • understand the biology behind the parent's outburst - and exploit that knowledge to arrive at a successful conclusion
  • take steps to avoid incidents in the future
  • help staff avoid doing the wrong thing, so situations aren't made worse

And remember:

  • You'll get lifetime access to this training for your entire staff
  • There's no waiting - this training is delivered online, so you get instant access and use the training today

Don't risk a single penny

Order How To Manage Challenging Parents and run the training, watch every video, use the strategy booklets...

...safe in the knowledge that you won't be risking a penny.

If you feel the training wasn't valuable - you didn't learn what drives parental outbursts or how to de-escalate them successfully using best practice - then I refuse to keep your money.

Simply get in touch by email with 28 days and I'll return your payment.

No questions asked.

Emma Shackleton
Co-founder, Beacon School Support

Get How To Manage Challenging Parents today...

so your staff are prepared before an incident occurs

Yes! It's time to invest in How To Manage Challenging Parents.

Use the buy now button below and secure instant access.

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How To Manage Challenging Parents:
  • 1 hour running time (approx)
  • Best practice for helping staff deal with angry or confrontational parents
  • Suitable for any educational setting
  • Includes facilitator's handbook and strategies handbook
  • Lifetime access
  • 28-day money back guarantee
Up to 30 staff

£209 excluding VAT

More than 30 staff

£309 excluding VAT

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When you click 'Buy Now', your transaction will be handled securely by ThriveCart, a company that specialises in payment processing. You'll be asked for your name, address and payment details, and can pay directly by card or through a PayPal account. You will also have the option to pay by invoice. Then we'll email you a link so you can access your resource. By ordering, you're agreeing to our terms of service.

Frequently asked questions

Who is How To Manage Challenging Parents for?

How To Manage Challenging Parents is written for teaching and office staff. It includes practical strategies that are appropriate in both primary and secondary schools.

Is this relevant to my school?

Unfortunately, verbal (and physical) abuse from parents is becoming more common. That makes it relevant to all schools.

Do I need to know a lot about this topic to run the training?

No. I'll guide your staff through all the strategies in a step-by-step fashion. You won't be put on the spot - and you don't need any prior knowledge.

Is this as good as having you train my teaching staff in person?

Not quite - for a start, you can't ask me questions.

But with How To Manage Challenging Parents, you pay once and get lifetime access to the material, so you can re-use it as often as you want. If you wanted me to train your staff in person, it would cost £279 (ex-VAT) for every single visit.

Will using these strategies completely eliminate challenging behaviour?

No - that's beyond our control. But it will equip your staff for when these situations happen.

What handouts are included for my teaching staff?

I provide strategy booklets, covering key points from the training, and attendance certificates for your attendees. You will need to print these out before the training starts.

How does the training work?

It's a series of training videos, interspersed with group tasks.

I'll explain clearly what each task involves, and even include a timer so your staff know how much time they have left.

As facilitator, you'll occasionally be asked to record answers from the group on flipchart paper.

How do I get ready for the training?

Included in the training is a facilitator's handbook. It's a step-by-step checklist of what you need to get ready for the training.

It even includes a sign-in sheet, so you can record who attended the training.

Do I need to be technically minded to run the training?

No. If you can play an internet video with sound on a projector or interactive whiteboard, you have all the technical skills you need.