Image what it would be like if your lunchtime provision was the best that it could be.
Lunchtimes where:
Imagine that other schools in your neighbourhood were actively ringing you, wanting to observe your lunchtime provision and learn from your ideas.
Would that feel good? Worth working towards?
And - what if I told you there was a proven, systematic way of achieving this... in your school?
The Lunchtime Masterplan will guide you through a simple, two-step process that will work in any primary school.
At the end of this simple process, your masterplan will help you make lunchtimes in your school be the best they can be.
By the way, if you're thinking, "isn't this going to be a lot of work?", the answer is no.
And in a moment, I'll explain how you can craft a short, sharp action plan that will be ready in less than 45 minutes and delivers results.
Of course, you could save £8.99 and spend hours trying to figure this out for yourself.
But I've observed lunchtimes in over fifty schools, so I've already seen the common sticking points that cause problems during midday.
I recorded them in a comprehensive checklist for our own in-house use.
And now - I'm going to give that list to you.
I'm going to include, at no extra charge, access to our Immediate Lunchtime Solutions video.
It describes 10 common lunchtime problems and 37 proven solutions that we've never published before.
This video is going to:
I'm so confident that you will find 'The Lunchtime Masterplan' useful that I offer a cast-iron money back guarantee.
That puts the Lunchtime Masterplan in reach of as many teachers and teachings assistants as possible.
Let's put that in perspective - it's the same price as a novelty mug or an okay-ish bottle of wine - and I'm sure you'll agree, you're getting considerable higher value here 😀
So - to summarise:
All you need to do now is press the 'Buy Now' button below to secure your immediate access to 'The Lunchtime Masterplan' - and start experiencing the benefits of calmer, more focussed and respectful students in your classroom.
I'll see you in the videos.
When you click 'Buy Now', your transaction will be handled securely by ThriveCart, a company that specialises in payment processing. You'll be asked for your name, address and payment details, and can pay directly by card or through a PayPal account.
Then we'll email you a link so you can access your resource. By ordering, you're agreeing to our terms of service.