Do you:

  • have to waste precious teaching time every day dealing with unresolved incidents from lunchtime?
  • find that 4 out of 5 problems raised by parents aren't about the classroom at all - they're all about lunchtimes?
  • find the atmosphere in afternoon lessons soured by social disputes that started on the playground?

...But know lunchtime behaviour could be better?

Poor lunchtime behaviour even pulls down inspection results. And the frustrating truth is - many of the issues sparked at lunchtimes are entirely avoidable.

So - what if lunchtimes didn't have to be like that?

Image what it would be like if your lunchtime provision was the best that it could be.

Lunchtimes where:

  • students are managed proactively - because everyone's efforts are focused with laser-like precision on where they have the greatest impact.

  • ...and systems throughout the lunch hour run smoothly - because they're based on practice already tested and proven in outstanding schools

Imagine that other schools in your neighbourhood were actively ringing you, wanting to observe your lunchtime provision and learn from your ideas.

Would that feel good? Worth working towards?

And - what if I told you there was a proven, systematic way of achieving this... in your school?

That's exactly what the lunchtime masterplan is about to give you...

Here's how it works

A simple, two-step process anyone can follow

The Lunchtime Masterplan will guide you through a simple, two-step process that will work in any primary school.

  1. Use our comprehensive checklist to objectively analyse your lunchtime provision, so you know where to concentrate your efforts from day one, ensuring you don't waste time.
  2. Use our step-by-step video to assemble your findings into an action plan that drives change. That's because you'll be using a system that's been proven in industry and business (you'll focus on the causes of poor lunchtime behaviour rather than its symptoms).

At the end of this simple process, your masterplan will help you make lunchtimes in your school be the best they can be.

By the way, if you're thinking, "isn't this going to be a lot of work?", the answer is no.

And in a moment, I'll explain how you can craft a short, sharp action plan that will be ready in less than 45 minutes and delivers results.

Your shortcut to better lunchtimes

Of course, you could save £8.99 and spend hours trying to figure this out for yourself.

But I've observed lunchtimes in over fifty schools, so I've already seen the common sticking points that cause problems during midday.

I recorded them in a comprehensive checklist for our own in-house use.

And now - I'm going to give that list to you.

But that's not all


I'm going to include, at no extra charge, access to our Immediate Lunchtime Solutions video.

It describes 10 common lunchtime problems and 37 proven solutions that we've never published before.

This video is going to:

  • Save you time - if you're writing an action plan, why start with a blank page? Immediate Lunchtime Solutions will give you the head start you need to make progress, fast.
  • Boost your chances of success - want to win first time? The surest way of implementing successful change is to learn from the experiences of others. My bonus video shares practical solutions that have already worked in schools just like yours.

It's the next best thing to having us in the room, working on your masterplan with you.

What you're about to receive

Your complete, 17 page guidebook and checklist...

...leading you through the process of objectively assessing lunchtime provision in your school and highlighting which areas are ready for improvement.

This keeps your action plan manageable and makes sure your efforts are pinpointed on improving pupil behaviour

Lifetime access to your action planning video...

....which will help you build a masterplan that results in: fewer social disputes on the playground; systems that are focused on managing students effectively; and pupils who are more productively engaged throughout lunchtime.

This will reduce the time you spend resolving issues from the playground and dealing with parental complaints.

Lifetime access to your bonus video, Immediate Lunchtime Solutions...

...which will help you get a successful masterplan up and running as quickly as possible.

This means you'll eliminate trial-and-error and base your actions on the proven (and hard-won) experience of other primary schools instead


Buy with confidence

I'm so confident that you will find 'The Lunchtime Masterplan' useful that I offer a cast-iron money back guarantee.

  • If you're not happy that the contents of the programme are of value, then get in touch with me by email within 14 days of purchase
  • I'll refund your money
  • No questions asked
  • Emma Shackleton
    Co-founder, Beacon School Support

Lunchtimes should be a time everyone in school looks forward to and enjoys - and the Lunchtime Masterplan will help you make that a reality.

To help you with your decision, and because we believe the students in every school should enjoy brilliant lunchtimes, I've priced 'the Lunchtime Masterplan' at only 8.99.

That puts the Lunchtime Masterplan in reach of as many teachers and teachings assistants as possible.

Let's put that in perspective - it's the same price as a novelty mug or an okay-ish bottle of wine - and I'm sure you'll agree, you're getting considerable higher value here 😀

So - to summarise:

Get access to 'The Lunchtime Masterplan' for only £8.99

Because we deliver 'The Lunchtime Masterplan' digitally, you can take action without delay...

...and start seeing changes in your school tomorrow

14 day money back guarantee

All you need to do now is press the 'Buy Now' button below to secure your immediate access to 'The Lunchtime Masterplan' - and start experiencing the benefits of calmer, more focussed and respectful students in your classroom.

I'll see you in the videos.

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