School Behaviour Secrets†New Format Unveiled!

School Behaviour Secrets† New Format Unveiled!

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What†s the future looking like for the School Behaviour Secrets podcast?

In this preview episode, we unveil the exciting new direction for the podcast. From offering video content to ensuring solo episodes are packed with essential strategies for classroom success, these changes are designed to help you get the most out of your time while supporting the social and emotional needs of your students.

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Show notes / transcription

[00:00:00 - 00:02:55] Simon Currigan

There. Simon Currigan here with this week's episode of School Behaviour Secrets. It's a a mini episode this week, and, yeah, no intro music. That freaked you out, didn't it? Anyway, I just wanted to share a quick update on what's happening with the podcast. While we've been away in the summer, we've been planning some important changes to the show, which I I kind of alluded to before we took the summer break. And I'm excited to let you know what they are and give you a preview of what's coming up in terms of content for the show in the next few weeks months.

The biggest change is gonna be that we're gonna be sharing the video for the podcast as well as the audio. So that means that if you're someone who learns best from experiencing different modes and media, You'll be able to see us talking to guests and talking through concepts on the video podcast as well as listening to us on audio as you did in the past. The content on the two streams will be virtually identical. So if you're a fan of audio podcasts like I am, don't panic. School Behaviour Secrets will still show up in your feed. It's not going anywhere. But if you wanted to check out the video discussions, maybe you wanted to grab a clip to use in a staff meeting, say, or something like that, everything will be going to YouTube to make that easy for you.

Secondly, the content will be changing slightly. The interview episodes will continue pretty much as normal. And over the next few weeks, we've got some great guests lined up for you. Some of the topics will include the surprising impact that adaptive teaching can have on pupil behaviour with George Athanasiou, how to avoid teacher burnout with Kate Whittlesey, and the growing impact of crime and gangs on our students in school, both in secondary and primary schools, and what we can do to support our pupils with Desmond Skyers and Steve Warner, plus lots, lots more. Secondly, our solo episodes will be shorter and more focused because we wanted them to be for you to be laser focused on delivering the information that you need as a teacher or school leader to support the pupils that you teach in school, which means there'll be more key facts and strategies squeezed into each episode than ever before. So I hope you like the changes when they start next week. And the new and improved format, as they say in commercials, will start next week.

This is really evolution rather than revolution, but I'd love to hear what you think of the changes. I'd love to say, write me a message and tag me in on social media. But, I hate social media. I'm a bit of a dinosaur, and my workflow tends to revolve around emails. So I'll put a copy of my email address in the show notes instead. Don't tag me into anything. Thanks for listening.

I hope you have a great week. I hope you found this kind of preview of what's coming helpful, and I look forward to seeing you in the new season of School Behaviour Secrets. I can't wait.

Bye for now.


(This automated transcript may not be 100% accurate.)